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Monday, August 1, 2011

why do my teeth feel like someone punched me in my face!

Alcohol:  A delicious non-notorious way to escape the world and all it's insanity for a few hours or a few days depending on what hangover comes from it!
Champagne: A delicious alternative to wine and plus I love the bubbles, its like grown up soda pop!
Beer: A interesting mix of hops and barley that makes you feel warm and takes the edge off!

So the joys of being young and dumb, are that you consistently make the same mistakes! Like sitting on the couch watching classic 80's films while double fisting a bottle of champagne and  a delicious Laguinta's Censored IPA. But what is even better is the next morning when you man tells you that you took two bottles of Domaine Ste. Michelle Champagne to the brain, did some shots and proceeded to run into a steel frame door and give yourself a concussion. Oh how I live (and nearly die) for nights like these.

But that's not even bad, it's the getting out of bed hand having to be at work by noon, to stand for nine hours and help people. You see in the customer service sector of a town held together by tourism, the is no rest for the weak, only merciless suffering for those who know how to throw down. 

moral of the story is that although some people may say I am stupid or crazy, it was all worth it and it will happen again, probably next Friday night!